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                   Standards when working on a Pool Table


1. Customers will be advised of SAFETY and Nuisance Factors before job is started, IE GLUE, Epoxy odor

2. Table will be treated for Mold when Moved if needed

3. Table will be protected when moved with Moving Blankets

4. Slate will be setup with a Machinist Level @.005; at a minimum of 21 points

5. Slates are secured to each other with a Trade glue Bond to prevent them from shifting

6. Rails are free of wrinkles and cloth is trimmed in relief area on underside after ALL staples removed

7. Table Pockets with be secured with small screws versus Stapling them and cutting the leather

8. Filler Epoxy or Wax are approved fillers for seams and slate screws in playfield   

9. A Final Sweep to locate lost staples and leave area clean

10. Maintenance Instructions for table and cues given chalked with the right color chalk to match..